Thursday, August 16, 2012

Escape from the Iron Curtain

Ok, so maybe Moscow wasn't the best idea I've ever had.

To make a long story (that I really don't feel like re-hashing from the beginning) short, they sucked!!! Here's the point-form version of what happened:
  • They put me up in a hotel an hour and a half away from school and expected me to take the metro across three metro lines all marked in Russian, by myself, on my second day there.
  • This hotel was not only far from school, but far from everything else as well - and that includes food. The best dinner available within walking distance from the hotel was a hot dog... and not even a delicious one. 
  • I was told repeatedly to arrive in Moscow before the 10th of August, so I did. Apparently, I was the only one who received these instructions... everyone else will be arriving starting tomorrow and into next week. They even asked me why I was here so early... I was speechless.
  • Because of my distance from everything, I was often forced to sit in my hotel room alone, waiting for further instructions, which generally didn't come until late afternoon. Probably not the best use of my time.
  • When I did receive calls from them, it was either to show me apartments in scary buildings, bully me into picking an apartment in one of the scary buildings (and make the choice for two other people, by the way), or to haul me into school for five-minute meetings. Sometimes, I didn't get any calls, so I just waited around like an idiot.
All in all, it was crappy - I was alone, hungry, and completely uninformed about anything that was going on. It was a terrible feeling. I had multiple meltdowns and was thisclose to booking a flight home. 

But then I had a brilliant idea. I e-mailed the guy who had interviewed me while ago for a job in the Czech Republic. I asked him if, by some miracle, he had any last minute jobs that needed filling. Somehow, he did. Soooo... I booked a flight out of Moscow for the very next day. 

And now, here I am, in Helsinki, waiting to board a flight to the Czech Republic, where I will be teaching/coordinating Kindergarten (3-5 yrs old... a bit young, but not in Russia!) in Ostrava. Hopefully, this decision works out better than my last decision.

I'll keep you posted!

Stephka :)

P.S. Thanks to Johanne for the title of this blog... I'm not entirely sure what it means, but I trust her.


  1. Well now the title of your blog doesnt work as much - I feel like Stephka is very Russian...a little less Czech. I love you regardless.


  2. I can just see you sitting in a seedy motel room, in the dark, all skin and bone, smoking(not the hot one)your eyes sunken in and dark circles forming, not having showered for days or done laundry, wainting for a call (from you pimp)... next thing you know, there would be track marks on your arms... I agree.. I think it's best you left!
    Keep us posted! :)AS

  3. I guess you didn't have to sit in a Czech consulate getting proper translations and trying to convince them of your non-hepatitis status. Good for you for bailing on them. If they contact you, tell them it's that idiot woman's fault at the Montreal consulate. They'll probably have her executed.

    BTW the title for the blog is perfect and totally appropriate.

  4. Attempt number 2 as anonymous

    I love the title of this blog! Johanne is always good with titles.

    While Jean-Luc is always good with cool terms such as " throwing your snatch around".

    And make sure that your new appartment has enough room for at least 2 visitors...well actually I don't mind living in the living room for a visit. Because that is acceptable while living in a living room for 2 years is NOT acceptable unless you are a man, because they can suck it up more then women apparently.

    Love you and miss you xxxxxx

    P.S. Yesterday you missed some good comments. And if I can fit some stuff in your carry on..can I?And see you in 22 days

  5. Thank you Kristelle for having such a great memory... I had totally forgotten about "throwing your snatch around"! Priceless!

  6. I love the tile of this I am a Bond nerd! I can't believe all of this happened but at least it got a good ending...hopefully! Or maybe you are just meant to come back to Dorset! ;)


  7. Sorry to hear that Russia was a bust but good for you for bailing and going with Plan B...that's called thinking on your feet...something that you seem to be very good at!!! Keep us posted and good luck.

    Linda D.

  8. Hey Steph!
    I am so sorry Russia was so dreary :( I m glad that you made the best of it and got the hell out of there quickly. I am sure you will be much happier where you are now. Can't wait to hear some more news. Be safe and happy.
