Saturday, October 6, 2012

My New Happy Place

Alright, so I guess I left you in a bit of a depressing place last time, but let me assure you that I am doing much better now!!

After I left Russia, I came to Ostrava and I have to say, although I'm not usually one for believing in "fate"(as our favourite Passions character would put it), I think this is where I was meant to be. It's a really great city - small and polluted, but with loads of character and plenty of things to do and Milka bars available at most stores :)

It also helps that the people I work with are AMAZING!! It's a bit of a boy's club...that is, I'm basically the only girl at the primary school, but it's all good. They are taking excellent care of me - unless you count taking me out for countless beers every night as something else than "exellent care". They are really funny boys, too. Of course, they talk about their genitals more than most people would care for, but I've lived with Jean-Luc for 20 years, so I'm used to it and I can laugh it off.

Since coming to the Czech Republic, I've been super busy. My first order of business was trying to find an apartment. Success! I have some sweet, orange, 70's style couches, a giant closet for my not-so-extensive wardrobe, a bed with storage so I don't have to stare at my luggage every night, and a dishwasher, which I will never use. I also have a gigantic TV for scaring the crap out of myself by watching Criminal Minds in the dark before bed, but I'm still working on acquiring a wire to plug in my computer... so for now, the fear of the dark remains mild.

After finding a place to live, I started searching for friends (what a dork!). The boys were very helpful here, as they've all been around for a few years and therefore know every single English speaking person in the city! Craig took matters into his own hads and organized my very first HWP (apparently, that's Australian shorthand for House Warming Party). A bunch of people came, some of whose names I still do not know, and we warmed my house right up... with booze, of course!

After warming the apartment, it was time get out and explore. Someone, somewhere, heard tell of some kind of street party/wine festival/concert in a small town just outside of Ostrava a few weeks ago, so we hopped on a bus and pursued the adventure!! It was amazing!! A rather long street was entirely blocked off to traffic, so that people could wander from house to house, stopping at the stalls people had set up to sell home-made gulash, beer, burĨak (some type of unfinished wine product), and other treats. It was an amazing way to spend the day!!

While we were there, we met a Czech couple who had spent a few years in Chicago. They were very nice and we chatted for a while. They were very impressed to find a Canadian, some Americans, and an Australian on their small-town street! So impressed, in fact, that they invited us to a BBQ they were having the following week. We ended up going, only to find out it was a family barbecue. Slightly awkward, but somehow still fun. It's always interesting when people who don't speak English try to ply you with drinks containing 50% alcohol, and when you try to wash them down with the only thing nearby (beer!) an elderly woman starts telling you what a bad headache you will have in the morning and rushing around trying to find you a glass of water instead! It's nice to be looked after!

Finally, last weekend was a long one in the Czech Republic, so Drew, Craig, Deb, Ian and I headed down to Budapest. I was not sure what to expect as last time I was there it was too cold to concentrate and no one seemed to know where anything was so I was lost the whole time. Well, let me just say - Budapest is fantastic!!!! It's such a beautiful city! The parliament building is so nice, I think I could have done nothing but stare at it all weekend and I would have been satisfied. I didn't stand in one place all weekend though - we walked around most of the city, went on two boat tours in one day (day and night... no puking on either!!), ate like kings, drank in a pub in the park and visited the famous bath houses of Budapest. Overall, it was an exhausting, but wonderful weekend! I would go back anyday!

I guess that's about it for now - I wrote this post a week ago, and have since been robbed of my wallet, cell phone, and house keys, but we're not going to go into that, because this was meant to be a happy post!!

Here's a picture for those of you who don't have Facebook, to hit the happy note again!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Escape from the Iron Curtain

Ok, so maybe Moscow wasn't the best idea I've ever had.

To make a long story (that I really don't feel like re-hashing from the beginning) short, they sucked!!! Here's the point-form version of what happened:
  • They put me up in a hotel an hour and a half away from school and expected me to take the metro across three metro lines all marked in Russian, by myself, on my second day there.
  • This hotel was not only far from school, but far from everything else as well - and that includes food. The best dinner available within walking distance from the hotel was a hot dog... and not even a delicious one. 
  • I was told repeatedly to arrive in Moscow before the 10th of August, so I did. Apparently, I was the only one who received these instructions... everyone else will be arriving starting tomorrow and into next week. They even asked me why I was here so early... I was speechless.
  • Because of my distance from everything, I was often forced to sit in my hotel room alone, waiting for further instructions, which generally didn't come until late afternoon. Probably not the best use of my time.
  • When I did receive calls from them, it was either to show me apartments in scary buildings, bully me into picking an apartment in one of the scary buildings (and make the choice for two other people, by the way), or to haul me into school for five-minute meetings. Sometimes, I didn't get any calls, so I just waited around like an idiot.
All in all, it was crappy - I was alone, hungry, and completely uninformed about anything that was going on. It was a terrible feeling. I had multiple meltdowns and was thisclose to booking a flight home. 

But then I had a brilliant idea. I e-mailed the guy who had interviewed me while ago for a job in the Czech Republic. I asked him if, by some miracle, he had any last minute jobs that needed filling. Somehow, he did. Soooo... I booked a flight out of Moscow for the very next day. 

And now, here I am, in Helsinki, waiting to board a flight to the Czech Republic, where I will be teaching/coordinating Kindergarten (3-5 yrs old... a bit young, but not in Russia!) in Ostrava. Hopefully, this decision works out better than my last decision.

I'll keep you posted!

Stephka :)

P.S. Thanks to Johanne for the title of this blog... I'm not entirely sure what it means, but I trust her.